Brand & Values Quiz

Brand, Values, Cleaning Tips & No No’s

Brand, Values, Cleaning Tips & No No’s

1 / 16

Your name

2 / 16

Share one way employees can embrace the core value of being “Energetic, Fun, Tenacious.”

3 / 16

According to the brand and values, what is the third core value mentioned?

4 / 16

How can employees demonstrate the core value of “Individual Initiative”?

5 / 16

Name one aspect of the core value “Treats Everyone with Respect & Teamwork.”

6 / 16

What is the second core value, and how can employees embody it in their work?

7 / 16

Provide one way in which employees can demonstrate the core value of “Customer Above All Else.”

8 / 16

According to the brand and values section, what is the first core value mentioned?

9 / 16

After cleaning stainless-steel sinks, what should be applied to repel water and extend cleanliness?

10 / 16

How should you deep clean stainless-steel stovetops?

11 / 16

What is the recommended mix for spot cleaning stains on upholstery, and what should you do after applying it?

12 / 16

How should you clean baseboards before vacuuming?

13 / 16

What is the recommended method for cleaning wood surfaces, and why should you avoid using a magic eraser?

14 / 16

Which type of brushes should not be used on metal or stainless-steel appliances, sinks, and stovetops?

15 / 16

Why should you not leave leather couches wet after cleaning?

16 / 16

You can start cleaning a surface or counter without clearing all items to a separate location.

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The average score is 79%

