No matter your decision whether it be any of these suggestions or not, by making any eco-friendly switch you take the chance to appreciate the earth. Save yourself money and time from making continual trips out to the store to buy more disposable products! These ten products are great for an eco-friendly kitchen swap in your Manhattan, NY home. The products below are just a few that can change your daily routine, mood and environmental impact; forming responsible habits in your home with your family!
Compostable Cleaning Cloths
One of these compostable cleaning cloths can replace up to 17 rolls of paper towels! This product made from cellulose and cotton is compostable so there is no need to worry about staining your decorative cloth towels. To extend the life of your cleaning cloth; sterilize and leave out to air dry after each use! They come in a variety of colors to match any kitchen; if you choose the assorted set you can color code them for different areas of the house such as;
The Kitchen Counter
Raw Meat & Eggs
The Bathroom
Floor Spills
Composting Tip: If you plan to compost this product, avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach. Sanitize with vinegar, hot water and an all- natural cleaner for an effective sterilization.
Cloth Napkins
It’s so common in our generation to ditch cloth napkins, yet cloth napkins are a simple and easy way to reduce your carbon footprint. Cloth napkins add a home feel to any kitchen or dining room and can be stored neatly in a drawer or basket. Choosing creative and playful color palettes for specific seasons or styles can improve the mood of any tablescape adding an elegant touch.
Glass Containers
Finding that perfect container and having an eye for good design may take trial and error. A quality glass container design can last for generations to come. I have listed an example of my favorite set above which has lasted years in my cabinet! Also note that the design of the lid is what is most important; Container lids like the ones shown are of the best quality and can last for years if not generations.
Beeswax Wraps
Our Manhattan, NY organizing service experts recommend beeswax wraps. Beeswax wraps come in many different sizes and colors and finding creative patterns on Etsy is easy and makes your fridge super unique and green! The design linked below is a beeswax bag which makes storing quick and easy without needing to fold unlike most beeswax wrap products.
Water Filters
This is one of the most useful eco-friendly kitchen swap tips from our Manhattan, NY experts. Imagine if water was free? Acknowledging there are taboos about drinking tap water; attaching a water filter system under your kitchen sink can save money and excessive plastic use! Using water filters in your home with reusable bottles and cups is the best option for the environment. Also this is a great opportunity to show your personality with whatever style bottle you like!
The facts are clear:
-Home water filtration offers better quality water than bottled water.
-Home water filtration is 1/10th the cost of bottled.
-Home water filtration is far more convenient, offering “Pure water on tap.”
-Home water filtration is virtually pollution free.
Water Filter
Eco Tip: If you prefer purchasing bottled water, it is safer for the environment to choose purified water over natural spring water!
Mason Jars Accessories
Where do I begin? Mason jars can be used for virtually any and everything! Fridge food, dry food storage, water, coffee, the possibilities are endless! If you juice fruits and vegetables or need a drink while running out of the house, I have linked my favorite mason jar lids and silicone sleeve jackets for on the go. Please note; all these accessories only fit wide mouth jars. There are plenty of designs on the market to mix and match your style. Utilizing a mason jar as a reusable bottle is a very environmentally friendly choice because glass can be recycled infinitely – avoiding the need for plastic all together.
Glass & Metal Straws
Making the switch to reusable straws is as simple as making the purchase of reusable straws!! There is a vast variety of clear, colorful, wide, straight, bent, collapsible types of reusable straw designs in the marketplace. Switching to reusable straws reduces your plastic consumption; resulting in less plastic ending up in the oceans, landfills or incarceration. Finding them is easy, and once you go reusable you won’t want to go back! Be the most eco conscious and go for a glass and metal choices over plastic!
Bring Along Utensils
In addition, our Manhattan, NY organizing service experts recommend bamboo utensils. Similar to reducing the consumption of single-use straws, bamboo made utensils are the best alternative to plastic. Provide your family with reusable utensils and you will actively avoid contributing to the below statistic of the astronomical amount of disposable utensils used.
“People in the United States alone use 40 BILLION pieces of single-use plastic cutlery each year.”
Habits of
Rely on yourself to have reusable cutlery when going out of the house as many companies do not provide this simple service to its consumers.
Reusable Bags
Eight states have banned single use plastic bags due to its environmental impacts and damaging effect within the recycling systems. Please ditch plastic or paper bags because reusable is the future of all shopping! Reusable fruit/veggie bags are super cute and will catch many complimenting eyes while grocery shopping! They also come in a variety of styles and materials which can be custom to your preference, some natural styles are linked below; all of which are easy to through in the wash after each use!
Pop-up Sponges
After this switch you won’t want to go back to a plastic sponge! Cellulose sponges are all natural and act just like a typical plastic abrasive sponge. Manufactured from wood pulp, hemp fibers, sodium sulfate crystals and softeners; cellulose sponges can be disposed right into your compost bin at the end of its lifecycle. Be sure to clean your sponge after each use, especially after cleaning up raw meat or eggs to avoid cross contamination. Consider having separate sponges for raw meat, kitchen dishes and bathroom cleaning! Let air dry when finished so bacteria does not grow within the sponge; tossing it in your dishwasher every couple days is a good practice.
Composting Tip: If you plan to compost this product, our Manhattan, NY organizing service experts recommend you avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach. Sanitize with vinegar, hot water and an all- natural cleaner for an effective sterilization.